I have this old book that's pretty much falling apart. It has been read eons ago and had lost a few pages already. The pages are slightly yellowed and a great backdrop to draw on. The drawing is done in ballpoint ink, watercolor and goauche. I do not know the archival quality of the ballpoint ink but it is much cleaner than pencil and shows really well through the letters without completely obliterating them.
It is roughly ACEO sized (2.5" x 3.5") but it goes over some because of the torn edges. Working title: "...had invaded the inner citadels of her completely. There were no secrets the...barrier to throw up to protect herself...always naked, always open to pain." The wording wasn't intentional. I noticed it after the drawing was done. The child's withdrawn expression gives a lot of weight to the words. This is very similar to the larger format work I have done that deals a lot with psychological effects of events, mostly past and ancestral events on a modern subject. I'm probably going to explore this idea on a smaller format. I went back in and made some areas darker like around the lips and the lower left. That white area was competing too heavily with the details of her face and took away from the effect her eyes were intended to make. I'll probably post the update later as an edit to this post.
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