Monday, September 13, 2010

Crochet Scarf

I decided to tackle a project that is a challenge on my patience:  a crochet scarf.  I am finding that blankets are is something about the redundancy of the stitches that kind of work my nerves.  I love a quick work up.  Then it's on to the next project.  Well the summer rose Caron Rhapsody yarn was screaming for some attention so I bought three skeins of it and set to make (and complete) a full sized scarf.  It's taller than my seven year old and he's at least four feet.  I didn't run out of yarn but it tangled so I ran out of patience detangling the last skein before I made it the full three skeins.  I really love this scarf.  The pattern?  I was messing around and accidentally came about this ~ shaped stitching.  I will provide it as a pattern after I finish writing it down, probably on my artfire.  It took me the better part of three days to make this. Another foot or so wouldn't hurt but the store is out of summer rose.  There was plenty of pine green which will be the yarn for my next venture. 
I have listed the pattern to my artfire! 

In October I will be teaching crochet classes at my local AC Moore.  The person that normally does it has been sick for awhile and apparently there is a strong request for crochet instructors.  I'll give it a go :-).  I taught my son and stepdaughter how to crochet.  They went from "This is too hard" to "Look at what I made" in no time.  Shouldn't be difficult to teach adults...should it?  I am working on projects for the beginners and intermediates.  I sent over my supply list.  In other news...somehow, some way I forgot the State Fair deadline.  Heck, I even forgot the extended deadline.  Well I guess I'll be posting that beautiful cowl cape in my artfire in the near future :-).